About Us



the position of protecting or defending something


Our Story

On a rainy day in January 2022, Dereck Haye (the owner of Custodian BV) decided to start a new company: Guardianship. During the last years he observed a steep increase in demand for cyber security professionals and relatively little opportunities for young talent to join the industry. Therefore, Dereck designed an intensive cyber security traineeship program for young digital talent.

The goal is to connect young talents and companies that are looking for them. This is achieved by making sure that the Guardians are certified appropriately and ready to apply their added knowledge and skills in the work environment.

Our Mission

To close the cyber security talent gap and create the next generation of cyber security professionals.


Our Vision

To make the digital world a more secure place (and keep it that way).


Our Values

We educate our Guardians to strengthen their sense of integrity, accountability and flexibility.